Acoustic Folk Art 4, Track 6, 02:22
Beautiful Mercy
Always be prepared
To give an answer to everyone
That’s what the Bible says
In 1st Peter three
If you can spare the time
I’ll share my peace of mind
How I was saved by beautiful mercy
I confess I am a mess
But Jesus’ righteousness
Took my id and took my odd
And turned them into good for God
I believe in the Father
I believe in the Son
I believe in the Spirit
The Holy Three In One
I am sure of my salvation
As sure as one can be
For I’m only saved by grace
Through His beautiful mercy
He’s been called a Man of Sorrows
Acquainted much with grief
But He opened my tomorrows
His pardon my relief
I’m a pilgrim making progress
On the road from day to day
Sometimes crawling
Sometimes falling
Often on my knees to pray
Yes, I confess I am a mess
But Jesus’ righteousness
Took my id and took my odd
And turned them into good for God
I believe in the Father
I believe in the Son
I believe in the Spirit
The Holy Three In One
I am sure of my salvation
As sure as one can be
For I’m only saved by grace
Through His beautiful mercy
Yes I’m only saved by grace
Through His beautiful mercy
Always be prepared
To give an answer to everyone
That’s what the Bible says
In 1st Peter three
If you can spare the time
I’ll share my peace of mind
How I was saved by beautiful mercy
I confess I am a mess
But Jesus’ righteousness
Took my id and took my odd
And turned them into good for God
I believe in the Father
I believe in the Son
I believe in the Spirit
The Holy Three In One
I am sure of my salvation
As sure as one can be
For I’m only saved by grace
Through His beautiful mercy
He’s been called a Man of Sorrows
Acquainted much with grief
But He opened my tomorrows
His pardon my relief
I’m a pilgrim making progress
On the road from day to day
Sometimes crawling
Sometimes falling
Often on my knees to pray
Yes, I confess I am a mess
But Jesus’ righteousness
Took my id and took my odd
And turned them into good for God
I believe in the Father
I believe in the Son
I believe in the Spirit
The Holy Three In One
I am sure of my salvation
As sure as one can be
For I’m only saved by grace
Through His beautiful mercy
Yes I’m only saved by grace
Through His beautiful mercy
Song Notes
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." 1 Peter 3: 15-16a, The Holy Bible, NIV.
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." 1 Peter 3: 15-16a, The Holy Bible, NIV.
Song Credits
Words and music by Mark Lehnhoff [2014]
Guitar and Vocals: Mark Lehnhoff
Cello: Peter Grimes
Flute: Guilherme Andreas
Recorded and mixed by Josh Woods, J2 Music Productions, Louisa, Virginia
Produced by Josh Woods and Mark Lehnhoff
Album Artwork: Rob Hatem
Copyright 2014, 2017
Lester Chester Music, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Words and music by Mark Lehnhoff [2014]
Guitar and Vocals: Mark Lehnhoff
Cello: Peter Grimes
Flute: Guilherme Andreas
Recorded and mixed by Josh Woods, J2 Music Productions, Louisa, Virginia
Produced by Josh Woods and Mark Lehnhoff
Album Artwork: Rob Hatem
Copyright 2014, 2017
Lester Chester Music, LLC
All Rights Reserved