Acoustic Folk Art 2, Track 4, 03:01
Rejoice in the Lord always
I will say it again, rejoice
Let your gentleness
Be evident to all
The Lord is near
Do not be anxious
About anything
But in everything
By prayer and petition
With thanksgiving
Present your requests to God
And the peace of God
Which transcends all understanding
Will guard your hearts
And your minds
In Christ Jesus
Finally, brothers, whatever is true
Whatever is noble
Whatever is just
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is admirable
If anything is excellent
Or praiseworthy
Think about such things
And the peace of God
Which transcends all understanding
Will guard your hearts
And your minds
In Christ Jesus
Finally, sisters, whatever is true
Whatever is noble
Whatever is just
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is admirable
If anything is excellent
Or praiseworthy
Think about such things
Rejoice in the Lord always
I will say it again, rejoice
Let your gentleness
Be evident to all
The Lord is near
Do not be anxious
About anything
But in everything
By prayer and petition
With thanksgiving
Present your requests to God
And the peace of God
Which transcends all understanding
Will guard your hearts
And your minds
In Christ Jesus
Finally, brothers, whatever is true
Whatever is noble
Whatever is just
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is admirable
If anything is excellent
Or praiseworthy
Think about such things
And the peace of God
Which transcends all understanding
Will guard your hearts
And your minds
In Christ Jesus
Finally, sisters, whatever is true
Whatever is noble
Whatever is just
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is admirable
If anything is excellent
Or praiseworthy
Think about such things
Song Notes
The lyrics for this song are from Philippians 4:4-8, The Holy Bible, New International Version. I noticed some rhythm and cadence to the words and came up with a melody and structure. If I recall correctly, the first inspiration came while listening to a sermon in church. I was looking at the words and started humming a melody in the pew and received a reminder tap to quiet down from the dear woman sitting next to me.
The lyrics for this song are from Philippians 4:4-8, The Holy Bible, New International Version. I noticed some rhythm and cadence to the words and came up with a melody and structure. If I recall correctly, the first inspiration came while listening to a sermon in church. I was looking at the words and started humming a melody in the pew and received a reminder tap to quiet down from the dear woman sitting next to me.
Song Credits
Words from Philippians 4:4-8, The Holy Bible, NIV
Music by Mark Lehnhoff [2012]
Guitar and Vocals: Mark Lehnhoff
Piano: Josh Woods
Recorded and mixed by Josh Woods, J2 Music Productions, Louisa, Virginia
Produced by Josh Woods and Mark Lehnhoff
Album Artwork: Rob Hatem
Copyright 2012, 2017
Lester Chester Music, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Words from Philippians 4:4-8, The Holy Bible, NIV
Music by Mark Lehnhoff [2012]
Guitar and Vocals: Mark Lehnhoff
Piano: Josh Woods
Recorded and mixed by Josh Woods, J2 Music Productions, Louisa, Virginia
Produced by Josh Woods and Mark Lehnhoff
Album Artwork: Rob Hatem
Copyright 2012, 2017
Lester Chester Music, LLC
All Rights Reserved